janno martens


Janno Martens. 'From Architecture Machine to Media Lab: Nicholas Negroponte and the Sublimation of Visual Cultures' in Rajesh Heynickx, Janno Martens, Filip Mattens, Stéphane Symons (eds) The Architectural Laboratory: Performing Architectural Research (forthcoming 2025) London: Routledge Janno Martens. 'POWER review' forthcoming in The Journal of Architectural Education Janno Martens. 'Every Path Has Its Puddle' in Jef Declercq, Anna Laganovska, Koi Persyn, Adriënne van der Werf (eds), Publiek Park Wandelgids/Walking Guide (2023) Ghent: Grenswerk, pp. 256-258 Janno Martens, Ronald Rietveld, Erik Rietveld. 'A Conversation on Collaborative Embodied Engagement in Making Art and Architecture: Going Beyond the Divide Between 'Lower' and 'Higher' Cognition' in Kath Bicknell & John Sutton [eds], Collaborative Embodied Performance: Ecologies of Skill (2022), London: Bloomsbury, pp. 53-68 Janno Martens. 'Lost and Found in Translation: the Postwar Adaptation Strategies of Sigfried Giedion and Alexander Dorner' (2020) in Journal of Art Historiography, number 23. Erik Rietveld & Janno Martens. 'Architecture and Ecological Psychology: RAAAF's Explorations of Affordances' in Dirk van den Heuvel, Janno Martens and Víctor Muñoz Sanz [eds] Habitat: Ecology Thinking in Architecture (2020) Rotterdam: nai010, pp. 128-135 Erik Rietveld & Janno Martens. 'Anticipatie, affordances en het brein in vaardig handelen' in Damiaan Denys and Gerben Meynen [eds] Het tweede handboek filosofie en psychiatrie (2020) Amsterdam: Boom Janno Martens. 'Rietveld-academie vindt nieuwe ruimte dankzij oud-studenten' (2020) published online on ArchiNed Janno Martens. 'Sociomateriality and architecture. A Dutch tradition from Structuralism up to RAAAF' in Marjan Michels and Eva Storgaard [eds] ONTO 02 (2019) Antwerp: University Press Antwerp, pp. 68-80 Janno Martens. 'De vele vormen van Nederlandse vormgeving' (2019) published online on ArchiNed Janno Martens. 'Pressure groups, working groups and visual groups. The Nieuwmarktbuurt and its social innovations' in Marijke Beek. Hans Hagenbeek architect (2019) Amsterdam: Architectura & Natura Janno Martens. 'OMA in de polder' (2019) published online on ArchiNed Janno Martens. 'University of Amsterdam Shirks Urban Responsibilities Despite Legacy' (2018) published online on Failed Architecture Janno Martens & Laurens Otto. 'Two Birds: on Aldo van Eyck and Carel Visser' [trans. Olaf Brenninkmeijer] in Christoph Grafe, Walter Herfst et al. Orphanage Amsterdam: Building and Playgrounds by Aldo van Eyck (2018) Amsterdam: Architectura & Natura Janno Martens. Social Space: Understanding Aldo van Eyck and Herman Hertzberger as representatives of a socio-spatial turn in architecture and philosophy (2018). [Unpublished thesis; PDF available upon request] Janno Martens. 'Mallification: The Vengeful Return of the Mall in the 21st Century' (2018) published online on Failed Architecture Erik Rietveld, Ronald Rietveld & Janno Martens. 'Trusted Strangers: social affordances for social cohesion' in Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences (2017) Janno Martens. 'Door de iconen het Bosch niet meer zien: het ondergewaardeerde succes van gebouwen die iets teruggeven aan de stad' (2017) in Simulacrum 25(3-4), pp. 61-67 Janno Martens. 'Wonen in de Amsterdamse School' (2016) [review of the eponymous exhibition at the Stedelijk Museum] in De Witte Raaf 181